Sedimentary, like sand.
Weathering and erosion make large rocks smaller.
Personally, I didn’t know that it was being terraformed. I should start watching the news. Anyway, my opinion is that it’s probably just going to turn out like Earth. I feel like anything scientists can get their hands on, they will probably treat it like a lab rat. Hmm, maybe it’s that they’re terraforming it for the rich; and leaving the rest with catastrophic Earth (which is ruined), sadly, I don’t think anyone really cares about the planet anymore because everywhere there’s a problem. And why do we have to pay for food that was purposefully grown and brought out to the world for free? You can probably tell, I don’t like the idea of Mars being terraformed. Maybe they should just leave it as it is, or clean up the Earth before they mess up another planet unfortunately.
Occurs when new oceanic crust forms at mid ocean ridge and old crust moves away from the ridge. Magma, Lava. Molten rock or _____ rises from the mantle through cracks in the crust. It erupts as ____ from volcanic vents along the mid ocean ridge.
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