lobes, graphs, diagrams, and aerial and satellite images
diagrams and satellite are image leaning!
Aa is lava that forms a thick ,brittle crust . Pahoehoe is a lava that
forms a thin crust. Pillow lava forms when lava erupts underwater.
Blocky lava is kool, stiff lava that does not travel far from thr
eruption site.
The Artic Ocean is 5.427 Million Square Miles
The Pacific Ocean is 63.8 Million Square Miles
Artic: 5,427,000 Square Miles
Pacific: 63,800,000 Square Miles
Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy: citizens in Saudi Arabia have a very small chance to participate in the politics. Similarly in Iran, which is a theocracy.
Afghanistan in theoretically a democracy, but it still struggles with a successful implementation of it.
The correct answer is: Israel!