Nathalie Djurberg contrasts the medium of <u>stop-motion animation</u>, often used for children's movies, with violent subject matter.
Given that Nathalie Djurberg is a contemporary artist known for extravagant and rather quirky art, she found her inspiration in these kinds of oxymorons, or bringing together parts that are often mutually exclusive. So she used something that is usually associated with something aimed towards children to show more violent and mature themes.
a. Tim Berners-Lee.
Tim Berners-Lee is an engineer and computer scientist acclaimed for the invention of the famous World Wide Web. He is also currently the director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which is responsible for the overseeing of the continued development of the Web. He is also credited with the foundation of the World Wide Web Foundation. Knighted for his pioneering work by the Queen in 2004, he has received numerous accolades for his work, also being named among the 100 Most Important People of the 20th Century. He is most famously and widely known for his original design of the architecture of the World Wide Web.
Nothing new mate, my neighbors dog died- medication ran out- nothing else besides having to talk to my doctor soon.
A. a dependent clause because it doesn't have a subject or predicate and doesn't describe anything. Hope this helps.