I know there going to go away but byee
We need the paragraph in order to help
For the first time in history, more people live in cities than rural areas. Every year millions of people leave their homes in the countryside and migrate towards urban centres both within their own countries and across borders. Some of these people move simply to seek new opportunities and improve their lives.
Some of the most important females in the unit are Odyssey, Orpheus, Eurydice.
The old legend of Orpheus and Eurydice concerns the critical love of Orpheus of Thrace, child of Apollo and the dream Calliope, for the excellent Eurydice. It might be a late expansion to the Orpheus legends, as the last religion title recommends those connected to Persephone.
Orpheus and Eurydice's marriage is bound from the earliest starting point. Hymen, the Greek divine force of marriage, doesn't favor their wedding, and Eurydice kicks the bucket not long after it while escaping from a relentless suitor. Crushed, Orpheus goes to the Underworld to breath life into Eurydice back.
The importance of using a variety of sentence structures is to change up your writing. To make the reader engaged in what you have to say. If your sentence structure is weak and does not vary the reader might get bored. It also better shows your topic.
hope this helps! have a good day!