King Ezana became King of Axum, and embraced Christianity around 327 A.D. He made it the official religion and with the head of the church, Frumentius, they spread the word of Christianity. King Ezana even created currency with crosses on the coins.
Vast amounts of resources ranging from gold to animal fur, which fueled Europe into the Industrial revolution.
Vast amounts of fertile land used to make plantations, which lead to better life for Europeans as they became landlords.
Vast amounts of american slaves that where used to help in the plantations and also in Europe.
Vast amounts of new items discovered and exported at high prices such as tobacco and spices
Vast amounts of cultural and traditional knowledge inherited to develop the Americas and also Europe
Vast amount of respect and power was gained to the colonizing nations which was one of the ways of acquiring power.
Vast amounts of economic prosperity and higher social status of the nations leading to higher civics.
Vast amounts of research and exploration done with the aid of slaves.
Vast amounts of transport vessels discovered and boats capacity increased to cope up with trade.
Vast amounts of high and low quality work was generated to Europeans, leading to decrease in unemployment.
Vast amounts of terrain and geographical features adquired, used to make quality building and houses for the Europeans.
The main reason why southern states felt betrayed because he pushed for the 1850 Compromise on slavery.