In order to answer this question, one must think about the time period. This is long before women had jobs outside of the home. They were expected to care for the home and the children, take care of the needs of their husband, and be seen, not heard. Keeping those characteristics in mind and reading through all the answers, the only logical answer would be the first one: In the 1800s, women were expected to be submissive to men (do what they are told to do by the man), and Nora was discovering that Helmer has taken advantage of that.
Boadicea, or better known as Boudicca, was the queen of a Celtic tribe in Britain called the Iceni. This queen was not happy with the Roman invasion and how the Romans were treating her people, as well as the other native people of Britain. Wanting to be free and to not obey to anyone's commands, Boadicea and her people rebelled. Even though the rebellion was not a success in the end, the Romans suffered heavily losses from the unexpected attacks. Also, Boadicea was seen as an example of a person that will not stand to be subjugated, but instead wanted to live freely, so she was the prime example of a rebellion. The story of Boadicea was kept through time, and even nowadays, some 2 millenniums after her rebellion, she is still an archetype for a rebel.
This is a part of his supreme ordeal. His return home is much broader and includes his supreme ordeal which is what you described in the question. He fought them because he wanted to stop them from taking his wife Penelope. This was during the competition where they had to prove themselves.