The clause is really a state's rights clause. A state may not pass a law that makes something illegal that was legal before the law was passed. In other words if a state suddenly passed a law that said it is no longer legal to park your car in front of any government building, but it was legal to do so yesterday, the police cannot come to your door and issue a ticket for parking in front of a government building because you did it yesterday.
The constitution actually uses the phrase ex post facto law in Article 1 Section 10 Clause 1.
A state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing her belief in God a belief in democracy I bought the table in the belief that it was an antique.
The policy is known as the "Open Door Policy."
John Hay created this idea in hopes that America and countries all over Europe could trade peacefully with China. This concept was developed in order to protect America's trade interests while also ensuring that no other country would establish a monopoly on trade with China. Within this policy, all countries would agree not to interfere with another country's trade with China.
Answer: Disease and starvation were both issues the early Plymouth and Jamestown settlers faced.
The answer is A) New York City becoming a vital commercial center with the country’s busiest seaport