The Emperor Wu also established a government monopoly in the trade in grain.
The Nazi party became the largest party by organized the Bamberg Conference. Hitler wanted to reunify the party, and set out a plan for the next few years. Whilst some small differences remained, Hitler was largely successful in reuniting the socialist and nationalist sides of the party.
In the same year, Hitler restructured the Nazi Party to make it more efficient.
Firstly, the Nazi Party adopted a new framework, which divided Germany into regions called Gaue. Each Gaue had its own leader, a Gauleiter. Each Gaue was then divided into subsections, called Kreise. Each Kreise then had its own leader, called a Kreisleiter. Each Kreise was then divided into even smaller sections, each with its own leader, and so on. Each of these sections were responsible to the section above them, with Hitler at the very top of the party with ultimate authority.
The Nazis also established new groups for different professions, from children, to doctors, to lawyers. These aimed to infiltrate already existing social structures, and help the party gain more members and supporters.
These political changes changed the Nazi Party from a paramilitary organization focused on overthrowing the republic by force, to one focused on gaining power through elections and popular support.
Long story short the Nazi party got to power so quickly by many reasons. Hitler had a lot of supporters, ended up brainwashing people basically, and not only were grown adults part of the Nazi Party, Hitler created something called "Nazi Youth" which was basically the teaching and brainwashing of young kids/teenagers on how to fight.
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trust me
I believe Join or die cartoon that drawn by Benjamin Franklin was really effective. At that time, many people were not convinced on whether they should involve in the French-Indian War or not.
The cartoon managed to persuade a lot of people to join up with the Kingdom of Great Britain in order to defeat the Frenchs and the Indians
<em>The island of Cyprus is two nations today as a result of a process of domination by foreign powers that led to an ethnic, ideological and political separation, as well as a conflict not resolved by international diplomacy and which maintains a permanent military tension.
The Island of Cyprus is divided politically into two nations: the Republic of Cyprus and the Turkish Republic of the North of Cyprus.
The Republic of Cyprus belongs to the European Union since 2004, is a member of the UN since its proclamation of Independence in 1960, is composed mainly of Greco-Cypriots and occupies two thirds of the territory of the island of Cyprus.
The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is recognized only by Turkey and the Organization of the Islamic Conference, is composed mostly of Turkish-Cypriot, and occupies the remaining third of the Island of Cyprus.
There are also two military bases with sovereignty of the United Kingdom.
The island of Cyprus is inhabited since ancient times but through its history has been dominated by a long list of powers that were conquering successively.
The Greek domination from the conquest made by Alexander the Great and the subsequent Turkish conquest by the Ottoman Empire were the dominions that most influenced the current composition of its population.
At the end of the Second World War, Cyprus remained in the hands of the United Kingdom. In 1960, the United Kingdom, Greece and Turkey signed an agreement declaring the independence of Cyprus and granting the United Kingdom sovereignty over the military bases of Akrotiri and Dhekelia.
In 1974 the Greco-Cypriot military carried out a coup d'état and Turkey responded with another coup that could only be established in the northern third of the Island.