The New Testament does not replace the old testament, however it fulfills it. Without the New Testament the Old Testament would just be a collection of tragic stories and unfulfilled promises. The Old Testament is the gradual unfolding of Gods plan of salvation
I think that it would be classified in the prokaryotic domain.
1) Muscle Cell*myosin filament: changes shape and pulls on and releases actin filament allowing movement*If the myosin filament was missing or injured, it would be cause difficulty in movement2) Flagellum*Dynein arms: uses energy from ATP to "grab" the attached droplet allowing a wave like movement when pulling the droplets together* If the dynein arms was missing or injured the flagellum would have no possible way of moving causing it to stuck in mid-air
The correct answer is d Bill"s plasma contain B antibodies
As Bill"s plasma contain B antibodies that"s why his blood cells do not aggutinate when mixed with anti B serum.