People earn income by getting jobs and working. When they work, they get paid. That's an income
1.) Write the formula, which assigns double x to double n raised to the double z power.
Answer: 2\times x → 2\times n^(2\times z<u>)</u>
2.) Write a formula, which will add 5 to the cube of double t times double n, and assign it to double x.
Answer: 5\plus 2\times t^3→2\times x
3.) Write a formula, which will assign double x to square root of the sum of the squares of the lengths of the two legs of a triangle. Declare double leg1, and double leg2, in order to find the hypotenuse. (Pythagorean Theorem)
Answer: 2\times x → \sqrt \{(l^2)_1 + (l^2)_2\}= hypotenuse
4.) Write a program that find the distance between two values on the number line by taking the absolute value of their difference. Assign the answer to double x. The two numbers have been declared as follows:
double num1, num2
Answer: length = \sqrt\{|num2 - num1\|} → 2\times x
An Oracle sequence uses the identity column property to automatically number rows.
An Oracle sequence is a tool that can be used to generate a number sequence. Oracle has the capacity to help you create an auto-number field by using one of its tools called sequence.
A sequence is an object in Oracle that is used to generate a number sequence for input to a table. This is required when you need to generate primary key values by the use of identity columns.
So, Oracle sequence can automatically number rows by the use of identity columns.
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