They can be health educators in family because they are your parents.
The reason why is because since they are your parents that means they have kids, so they probably know the ins and outs of parenting and running a family.
- agitator hacktivist
There are various terms which are described below:
activist cyber: when a person uses online campaigning by non-violation means like social media or other online platforms to create their activism is known as activist cyber.
agitator hacktivist: when a person uses illegal ways to bring change in political point by hacking or theft the information from the internet or bring the system down is known as agitator hacktivist.
ethical hacker: when a person uses legal ways to make a system safe from any type of malicious attack by removing the weakness of the system is known as the ethical hacker.
cybersquatter: when a person buys a domain name with the vision of selling it to the company needed it at very high prices, it is known as a cyber squatter.
so, according to the scenario the most appropriate answer is agitator hacktivist.
Since you gave kind of a vague question. I'll just go with the basics. Amortized analysis in computer science is basically the study of worst case run times regarding a sequence of operations.
When looking at potential, it is the physicist's method.
phi (initial state) =0 and every state after is larger than 0.
It keeps track of time but relies on states to know where it is.
The equation C +phi (state')-phi(state) is the main equation. C is the time for an operation, "state" is before and "state'" is after.
There are sets of equations that dictate average run time with this.
phi (H)= 2n-m. n=number of elements, m=size of array.
This equation is used to calculate the time to double the size.
The main purpose of the file name extension is that in the operating system it basically helpful for knowing the actual name of the file which we want to open in the system. The file name extension is also known as file suffix and file extension.
The file name extension are the character and gathering of the given characters after some time period that making the whole name of the record in the file system.
It basically enables a working framework, such as Windows and mac operating system (OS), figure out which programming on our PC the document is related with the particular file.
We can easily restore our file from hard disk system by two main ways as follows:
- We can easily recover our file from the computer backup.
- Checked your deleted file in the recycle bin and then restore it.
Answered below
# Program is written in Java
class WeekHours{
double school;
double fun;
double sleep;
double sports;
WeekHours( ){
school = 0.0;
fun = 0.0;
sleep = 0.0;
sports = 0.0;
public void setSchool ( double x){
school = x;
public void setFun( double y){
fun = y;
public void setSleep( double w){
sleep = w;
public void setSports( double z){
sports = z;
public void totalHours(){
double tHours = school + fun + sleep + sports;