Well, Betty is a really extremely intelligent man. He is Montag's captain, and he presents a paradox. He knows that Montag is constantly hiding his interest in books, and he doesn't do nothing. The first time that Betty and Montag are introduced, it is noticeable the conflict between them. According to the statement "Hell! It’s a fine bit of craftsmanship, a good rifle that can fetch its own target and guarantees the bull’s-eye every time...Why? You got a guilty conscience about something?" is an example of Betty's perceptiveness about Montag and throughout the book, he likes to toys with Montag and manipulates him.
Simple. I assume the ones going to the middle school are currently in 5th grade at the elementary school. You have 126 coming into the middle school from each school. You need to multiply 126 by 4. You get 504. There will be 504 new students at the middle school.
Doctor is to patient, needle is to... immune system
Think about it. Doctors help patients, needles help your immune system. Hope this helped! Have a good day! ;)
Line Six: It expands on the point made in line five.
Line Seven and Eight: The poet discusses the reaping announced in its title. Reaping of grain is generally done with a scythe (a farming tool with a long cured blade) or machine, cutting down wide columns of grain stalks with each pass.
LIne Nine: The speaker's work ethic is on display, as he talks about the balamce between what he has sown in the field and what fruits the field has borne. Although the speaker does not derive that much benefit from his work, the poet's wording in line nine betrays a pride for what little he has gained.
Line Ten: Refers to extended relations, not his direct descendants, and so readers can assume that "brother" is meant in the broadest sense, as as reference to all humanity.
Line Eleven: To "glean" means literally to gather what is leff on the ground after reapers have taken away the important parts of the harvest.
Line Twelve: The up-and-coming generations of black Americans, the speaker says, will have to fend for themsleves. The fields that they do not own and have not cultivated are symbolic of the way that black Americans were denied property ownership in the past.