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A. they can skip whole segments of the software development process.
A software development process refers to the process of dividing software development work into various phases for product management, project management and to improve the design.
Vendors who use open source as part of their product offerings can expect to bring new products to the market faster because they can skip whole segments of the software development process.
They don't have to go through different phases of software development.
<span>To build a team site and collaborate with your colleagues</span>
Today personal computer is changed to laptop mode. Personal computer is made of CPU, monitor, keyboard, printer and mouse. All input device and output device connected with wire or without wire.
Personal computers are also called as desktop or workstation. These days all become compatible device which is called as laptop.
Basically all input devices and output device are fixed in laptop so end user can carry the laptop and used anywhere.
Laptop is charged and used, whereas desktop or workstation just fixed in the table and used it.
style inheritance
What happens when a property on an element has no value supplied is governed by style inheritance. A property should inherit its value from its parent element, according to this specification.