Answers A, B, C, D and E are all correct
Viruses are non living, ultramicroscopic cells, infectious particles with a protein coat surrounding the nucleic acid that replicate inside any life form and infeft them.
Bacteriophages, like viruses that can also infect the animal cells infected by the bacteria.
The wastes are radioactive and can cause cancer. This is the #1 reason according to my research why it is important to dispose of nuclear waste.
Aristotle based his classification system off of observations of animals, and used physical characteristics to divide animals into two groups
The type of bonds that are involved in these transient protein - DNA interactions include: IONIC BOND, VANDER WAAL FORCES AND HYDROGEN BOND.
Protein - DNA interaction occur when a protein bind to DNA molecule; this reaction usually occur in order to regulate the function of DNA, especially that of expression of genes. Protein interaction with DNA may be specific or non specific.
Grass and stuff they are herbivores