Astronauts crave spicy food because when they enter inside space, they lose their sense of smell.
Astronauts can't really smell or taste anything when high up in the atmosphere, so they eat stuff with pungent or strong tastes so they can keep tasting food.
This poem is a great poem! It's about a girl who falls in love with a man and they live together forever! It has twists, turns, and even some deaths! :( !! But it is altogether a great poem!
Miranda captures the unyielding ambition of the young Hamilton, desperate to achieve greatness in spite of his humble origins
It is correlative!
This conclusion can be drawn since correlative sentences are like "tag-team conjunctions." They working in pairs to join phrases or words that carry equal importance within a sentence.
The blacks in America were deemed inferior and only seen as someone lesser, like a young boy among adults. Maybe, this is one reason why Wright uses the word "boy" in his title.
Richard Wright's memoir "Black Boy" presents the author's childhood and also growing up years as a black man in the American South. The book deals with themes of growing up, racism, family, and also a sense of trying to find his identity.
The use of the word "boy" in the title is ironic because Wright may be describing his childhood experiences but at the same time, the memoir covers well beyond his childhood years too. This may also have to do with his feeling of still being a kid despite being an adult.
Also important is how the blacks were perceived by the whites, the "superior" whites. Though same in all senses, blacks were hardly accepted by the whites as their own or equals, and more like inferior and lesser than them. This can also be one reason why Wright uses the word "boy", as a generalization of how his black people were perceived by the whites.