<span>A. Mr. White will make other serious mistakes by acting without thinking of the consequences.</span>
I don't think they should cause if we were to have robots replace our teachers there wouldn't be a connection with a student and teacher and if robots were to teach they would not understand us and do what they are programmed to do
Answer: In Genesis, for example, particular parts of the world are created seriatim; in an Egyptian myth, Kheper, the creator deity, says, “I planned in my heart,” and in a Maori myth the creator deity proceeds from inactivity to increasing stages of activity.
In my opinion, there are two possible reasons.
First, the government probably does not think these guys are any kind of a threat to them. I mean, so what if there are some people out walking around when no one knows they're there? It's like the thing about the tree falling in the forest with no one around.