I believe it would be a soliloquy. A soliloquy is defined as a person speaking to themselves without any regard for someone that may hear it (or oblivious to them).
The rhetorical device being used in the
sentence above is parallelism.
Parallelism uses words and phrases identical in
structure. As in the sentence, “<span>They have chained, bound, and gagged our freedom”,
uses the same form of the verb which is in past tense.</span></span>
Daughter is the correct answer.
Answer: C. because
Repair: fix or mend
Invite: make a polite, formal, or friendly request to (someone) to go somewhere or to do something.
Because: for the reason that; since.
Cooking: prepare food, a dish, or a meal
From the given choice, "repair", "invite", and "cooking" are all verbs or in-person actions, while "<u>because</u>" is a conjunction.
Hope this helps!! :)
Please let me know if you have any questions
C. I hope Tea Cake isn't going to use this against me.
This question refers to Zora Neale Hurston's novel "Their Eyes Were Watching God". The novel follows Janie's life, her maturation and transformation throughout years.
This particular question refers to the situation when she found a gun under her husband's pillow.
This worries her greatly, because her husband's infected with rabies, has rage deliriums and exhibits great amount of jealousy, so Janie doesn't know what to expect nor can she believe him. Just in case, she secretly turns the pistol's barrel and sets it to snap before firing a bullet, which proves she was afraid for her life.