It can at all work because the no of proton is the same as the no of electrons
The tip of the pyramid ends in a cuplike structure called the papilla.
Papilla projects into a calyx. Its surface has a sievelike appearance since it is where urine droplets pass through its small openings. Each opening represents a tubule known as the Bellini duct through which collecting tubules within the pyramid converge or meet. The muscle fibers lead from the calyx to the papilla. As the muscle fibers originating from calyx contract, urine flows through the Bellini ducts into the calyx. The urine flows through the renal pelvis and the ureter and it eventually drains down into the bladder.
Answer: Option B
The glucose is the basic unit of energy. It is absorbed by the cells of the body. The glucose that is taken inside the body by the means of food is utilized to gain energy.
The glucose that is absorbed from the food moves to interstitial spaces before going inside the cell.
100% of the glucose is transferred from the interstitial spaces of the cell to the inside of the cell.
This is because more amount of the glucose is still outside the cell as it is absorbed completely.
Jake is correct.
Sophie is wrong because although dolphins and sharks can technically be said to be similar, it resulted from convergent evolution, which has nothing to do with common ancestry and rather to do with similar environments for their homes.