Manchester encoding is a form of digital encoding (or a data modulation technique) in which data bits alternate from high to low or low to high in equal manners. It also allows data senders to easily synchronize with the receiver. Manchester encoding is introduced for security of data and fast transmission.
Explanation:Assimilation is a cognitive process in which we relate the new learned infomation to the preexisting Information. It is a concept suggested by Piaget on cognitive development in children , children are always learning new information in order to develop their knowledge and if 4 year old has learned what a whistle is and what sounds it makes , they are likely to associate anything that makes the similar sound to a Whistle.
Gran relación entre comportamientos y reglas de conducta.
Existe una gran relación entre los comportamientos (buenos o malos) y las reglas de conducta porque el comportamiento que adoptamos está de acuerdo con las reglas de conducta. Siempre nos comportamos de acuerdo a las reglas de conducta de nuestra sociedad, sin estas reglas nos comportaremos como animales por eso estas reglas son muy importantes. Los malos tipos de comportamientos o acciones son más frecuentes en la sociedad actual porque la gente de la sociedad olvidó sus costumbres y responsabilidades.
Medical language is made up primarily, but not exclusively, of words taken from two ancient languages : Greek and Latin is true.
The term is medical is used to describe human body . Although we can obtain medical terms from lots of language, but most of them are derived from Latin and Greek.The clinical terms such as( cardiology, gastritis) are derived from Greek language but the anatomical terms such as( cor, ventricles) terms are mainly derived from Latin language. The other sources of medical words are acronyms and modern language.
When Greece was conquered by Romans the language as well as the knowledge of both the cultures were mixed and thus new medical terms were discovered.