1:b revising 2:c proof reading 3:a checking for spelling errors 4:<span> D. a step by article about pet grooming written for pet lovers digest. 5: d editing/proofreading</span>
Nonconformist : a person who does not conform to the Church of England
Parish: a local church community; an area committed to one pastor.
Emigrate: to leave a home to live elsewhere
It is the "2.limited third-person" type of narrator who has full knowledge of only one character, rather than all the characters, since they are unable to see outside their circumstances.
A fable is a short narrative that generally has animals in it that act just like humans would, or tell story of legendary people and exploits. An example would be the Lion King. A fair tale is a story that is usually used for children. They describe legendary deeds and creatures and use mythical creatures in them such as elves, fairies and trolls. An example would be the Brother’s Grimm.