Ureters - These are long narrow tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder. They are not what carry urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. That is called your Urethra.
ice age/ Quaternary glaciation
Ice ages have occurred in the earth history and do occur more or less regularly in a cycle. It is believed that ice ages are as a result of small changes in the earth's orbit and also dependent on the solar cycles. The temperatures on the earth reduce causing the ice sheets in the poles to extend to the subtropics.
Tibia and fibula. Tibia (medial bone)
The tibia is the medial bone of the lower leg (it is the second-largest bone next to the femur), whereas the fibula is the lateral bone of the lower leg. The tibia functions to transmit the majority of the force in the lower leg. The tibia articulates at the proximal end with the femur and fibula; where this bone (tibia) articulates at the distal end with the fibula and the talus bone of the ankle. The tibia and fibula are connected via an interosseous membrane, which is a thin sheet of connective tissue that spans the space between two bones.
of the <em><u>46</u></em><em> </em>chromosomes in the nuclei of every diploid human somatic cell, <em><u>23</u></em> chromosomes were contributed by the mother in the <em><u>egg (ovum)</u></em> cell and the other <em><u>23</u></em> chromosomes come from the father’s <em><u>sperm cell. </u></em>