Correct Answer:
a. The idea that ultimate truth and justice will prevail if each party to a dispute is represented by competent attorneys providing the strongest possible representation.
Adversary system is the legal system whereby two aggrived people appoints an advocates to represent their case or position before an impartial person or group of people. This is usually a judge or jury, who attempt to determine the truth as well as pass judgment accordingly.
<em>The system is better because it protects the rights of the individual parties involved. And, also, serves to protect citizens from potential abuses of the government, as well as works towards preventing bias in the courtroom setting.</em>
Start you work from the least one and it will be a little easier
I have suffered the same before .
The economy is a free-market, capitalist economy, similar to that of most Western countries.
You can make signs to protest and do a large group of people. And protest that way
My graduate educational experience will be very different from my undergraduate educational experience, because in my undergraduate studies, i learn mostly under an academic environment, where we only learn by experimenting and researching. Example Thermodynamics experimental analysis. But in my graduate education, we learn mostly on the job, by practicing and memorizing the best practices. Example Using heat exchangers in a flow station.
A graduate learning community is a class of people who has learnt about a problem and a solution from the undergraduate level, and now applying the solution to solve the problem. Example NASA, Chevron, ExxonMobil, .....etc.
The key component of a graduate learning community is that, learning is by practical experiences. Example, an operator in a control room. While in undergraduate learning community, the key component is experimental experiences and research. Example are our assignment and project work.
Collaboration and communication in a graduate learning community and undergraduate learning community are not the same. Because in a graduate learning community, communication are always official. Example mailing your manager or colleague. But in an undergraduate learning community, communication are always social and informal. Example, dropping a note for your classmates.