conditiond stimulus
Explanation:¨Professor Kariag is turning off the projector to signal that there will be a quiz, so he is making it the conditioned stimulus.
Students experienced it previously so many times that they became aware that the signal means that a hard quiz was to come thereafter.
The act of just turning off the projector could have occurred at random , and that originally was just another neutral stimulus. After a neutral stimulus is paired with the doing of a quiz, a conditioned response is formed as well:
Students begin already to feel anxious.
Tended to cluster in few low-paying field.
Though with the passage of the nineteenth amendment, women of the United States got the right to vote, their traditional roles could be left behind so easily and most of the women were confined to households. In the 1920s there were new job opportunities like clerical work, textile industry but the number of women engaged in these fields was still low and were paid less than their male counterparts.
Print culture is a form of visual communication through written works,all written works,and how it effected society
A prominent figure in this field is named Elizabeth Einstein
They imposed unfair taxes like the Stamp Act, and did not allow the colonists any representatives in Parliament. Also, they were occupied by British soldiers who they had to feed and share their home with.