The chair is nominated by the President of the United States from among the members of the Board of Governors, and serves a term of four years after being confirmed by the United States Senate.
The correct answer is b) a Ponzi scheme.
The Ponzi Scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that involves paying investors interest obtained from the money of new investors (and not from the generation of genuine profits). It is a pyramidal system, in which the only way to share benefits requires that participants recommend and capture (refer) to more clients with the objective that new participants produce benefits to primary participants.
This system does not invest in financial or other instruments, it only redistributes money from some investors to others, so the system works only if the number of investors in the pyramid continually grows; once people stop entering the "business", the scammer is prevented from fulfilling his promise and the pyramid collapses
Non-Discretionary Expenses means payments made to third parties on account of: (a) mandatory payments of monthly debt service (but not payment of principal or interest at or after maturity) required under Loan Documents evidencing debt of the Venture or any Subsidiaries; (b) Emergency Expenses; (c) other non-