A trench forms in an underwater subduction zone, often near continental boundaries.
Trenches are often found close to continents because of the subduction boundaries in which a plate made of oceanic crust slides underneath a less dense plate made of continental crust. The downward movement of the denser oceanic plate causes the formation of a deep underwater chasm. It is important to note that near divergent oceanic plate boundaries, the separating plates form an underwater ridge, not a trench.
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I can’t give factual information on this but I can give you a example
Some time a few years ago a bunch of Christians surrounded a Muslim man to protect him from a oncoming crowd while not to long from then a bunch of Muslim people surrounded a Christian man
B, solstice. without the change in he earth’s axis there would be no difference in seasons therefore solatices
They would actually stay constant in what they are now,
get ready it is not that far away !!!!!!