E since a lot of taller buildings have a lot of steel in them before being covered in other material
Towns often developed near oases because it was easy access to water and they could farm there.
In the election, Andrew Jackson won a plurality of both the popular and electoral vote.
Even though Jackson had the most votes, he still lost the election.
La palabra "cementerio", que se deriva del griego antiguo, significa "lugar para dormir". Así que esas inscripciones en las lápidas de los cementerios que dicen "Descanso eterno" o "Descansa en paz" tienen mucho sentido.
En ellos, los cuerpos reposan en hileras bajo monumentos de piedra y mármol como si estuvieran acostados en dormitorios secretos.
Además, excepto para aquellas personas sensibles a las películas de terror, los cementerios – desde la isla veneciana de San Michele hasta la colección de tumbas de mafiosos italianos que da hacia Manhattan en el cementerio Calvary, de Queens- son realmente lugares de descanso rodeados de una sensación de ensueño y de escape al otro mundo frente las ruidosas ciudades a las que sirven.
Obra del trabajo de habilidosos diseñadores, arquitectos, escultores y jardineros, los cementerios citadinos pueden resultar descorazonadoramente hermosos.
Pero, aunque generalmente son refugios de vida silvestre, objeto de cautivadores ensayos en la historia del gusto y el diseño y una mirada fascinante sobre las convenciones sociales y las creencias religiosas, su origen fue espeluznante
The Albany Congress was a not unimportant event in the history of
Albany. The Albany meeting site pointed up Albany's function as the last
outpost of European-style civilization before the frontier - a place
where settlers, officials, and native peoples had and would continue to
come together to consider items of mutual concern. Among the agendas for
the convention, was a plan to replace provincial Indian Commissioners
with a Royal Superintendant of Indian Affairs - which was aimed directly
at the Albany Indian commissioners who were seen by the British as
self-interested merchants whose core ambitions were antagonist to
Imperial policy.
The Albany Congress met in Albany from June 19 to July 11, 1754. Holding
daily meetings at the City Hall, official delegates from seven colonies
considered strategies for Indian diplomacy and put forth the so-called
Albany Plan of Union.
Unsure of its authority to participate, the province of New York sent
only an unnofficial delegation which included Lieutenant Governor James
De Lancey and two men with strong Albany connections, William Johnson
and Peter Wraxall. The Mohawks and other Native groups were represented
at the meetings as well</span>