The number 8800 is called the numerator or dividend, and the number 4 is called the denominator or divisor.
The quotient of 8800 and 4, the ratio of 8800 and 4, as well as the fraction of 8800 and 4 all mean (almost) the same:
8800 divided by 4, often written as 8800/4.
Read on to find the result of 8800 divided by 4 in decimal notation, along with its properties.
What is 8800 Divided by 4?
We provide you with the result of the division 8800 by 4 straightaway:
8800 divided by 4 = 2200
The result of 8800/4 is an integer, which is a number that can be written without decimal places.
8800 divided by 4 in decimal = 2200
8800 divided by 4 in fraction = 8800/4
8800 divided by 4 in percentage = 220000%
Note that you may use our state-of-the-art calculator above to obtain the quotient of any two integers or decimals, including 8800 and 4, of course.
A. 49 + 16 (t - 1)
Step-by-step explanation:
Plug in t = 1 to test for the first hour:
Test as many values as you like, but testing t = 5:
You can see that plugging in just a few values confirms the answer.
The rope would be 3 yards long because every 3 feet is equal to 1 yard
The answer to this question is Letter B.
If the reindeer do not fight, there are 5!=120 ways to line them up in a straight line.
Out of these, Bloopin and Rudy are together in 4!=24 times. Similarly Rudy and Bloopin will be together 4!=24 times. So the number of ways they are not together is 120-24-24=72 ways.