1) Sleeping sickness: Sleeping sickness is caused by two germs (protozoa), Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and Trypanosomoa brucei gambiense .
2) SARS: SARS is caused by a strain of coronavirus, the same family of viruses that causes the common cold.
3) Kala- Azar: Kala azar also called Leishmaniais is the second largest parasitic killer in the world—only malaria is more ... Initially, leishmania parasites cause skin sores or ulcers at the site of the bite.
3) AIDS: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the causative agent for AIDS.
4) Malaria: <span>Plasmodium malariae is a parasitic protozoa that causes </span>malaria<span> in humans.
5) Chicken Pox: </span>Chickenpox (chicken pox), also known as varicella, is a highly contagious infection caused by the varicella zoster virus.
6) ACNE: <span>The most common </span>acne<span> is the type that develops during the teen years. Puberty </span>causes<span> hormone levels to rise, especially testosterone.
7) Dengue Fever: </span>Dengue fever, also known as breakbone fever, is a mosquito-borne infection that causes a severe flu-like illness.
8) Brain Fever: caused by a viral infection, <span>Meningitis.
9) Polio: </span>Polio is caused by the poliovirus, a highly contagious virus specific to humans.
10) elephantiasis: Elephantiasis is a syndrome caused by infection with a nematode parasite called the filarial worm.
11) jaundice: <span>Excess bilirubin (hyperbilirubinemia) is the main </span>cause of jaundice<span>. Bilirubin, which is responsible for the yellow color of jaundice.
12) </span>small pox: Smallpox was an infection that was caused by the virus called variola virus.
13)cow pox: Cowpox is an infectious disease caused by the cowpox virus.
14) pneumonia: Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that is caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites.
15) tuberculosis: Tuberculosisis an infection caused by the rod-shaped, non–spore-forming, aerobic bacterium
16) peptic ulcer: Causes of Peptic Ulcers. Different factors can cause the lining of the stomach, the esophagus, and the small intestine to break down. These include: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori): a bacteria that can cause a stomach infection and inflammation.
17) skin infection: The three main causes of a skin infection are bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Many types of bacteria can cause a skin infection.
18) Typhoid Fever: Salmonella typhi, the causative agent of <span>typhoid fever.
19) Cholera: </span>Cholera<span> is an infectious disease that causes severe watery diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and even death if untreated. It is caused by eating food or drinking water contaminated with a bacterium called Vibrio </span>cholerae<span>. </span> 20) anthrax: It is caused by anthracis, a Gram positive spore forming rod usually surrounded by a capsule and producing toxin.
21) Rabies: he causative agent of rabies is the rabies virus, or RV.
Science is a dynamic subject and it changes all the time. In the science field, research is always on going and when new evidence are discovered about a particular topic, the new evidence are usually used to update the scientific information that is already on ground. All the areas of science listed about have enjoyed scientific updates in the recent.