B. They could command battles
In Ancient China people were divided into four classes based of their occupation. The four classes were Shi, Nong, Gng and Shang. Shi were gentry scholars, nong were peasent farmers, gong were artisand and craftsment and the shang were traders and merchants.
The gentry scholars of Zhou and Shang dynasty were called Shi class. They were considered as belonging to low level aristocratic lineage. Shi class had privileges that other people didnt have, they were allowed to ride chariots into battle. They could also command battles from the chariots.
The European nation wanted to gain more wealth and power from these nations. They were able to gain gold through the plantation that were created by the European colonies. They were able to gather more people in their colony through slaves and indentured slaves.
Prior to World War II, China participated in the Civil War. Nationalists (led by Chain Kai-shek) fought to keep control of the country from the Communists (led by Mao Zedong). When Japan invaded China in July 1937, both sides in the civil war agreed to a ceasefire.
However, after the end of World War II, fighting resumed. From 1945-1949, Mao's forces were supported by common Chinese citizens. Communism was gaining momentum in one of the world's largest nations
Your answer is b ok that would be the best answer