Hitler gave himself absolute powers through constitutional amendments that enabled him to do whatever he wished as the only leader.
These totalitarian powers were expressed in terms of censuring the media, control of information through propaganda tactics,use of the secret police,and detention camps. Germany under Hitler is an example of a totalitarian nation where the public would dare question those in authority.
Supergangs are the type of gangs Bartollas suggest which emerged in the political climate of the 1960s. It was after the 1919 race riot, where Black males formed gangs to confront hostile White gang members who were terrorizing the African American communities. The late 1960s saw the emergence of a few “super gangs” whose political and economic activities attracted much attention. These ''supergangs'' become citywide criminal entrepreneurial organizations involved in drug dealing, extortion, and contract violence.
25 percent
More than 25 percent of Africa is desert.The three deserts found in African continent are Sahara desert, Kalahari desert and Namib desert. The Sahara is the largest desert in the world and its spread over an area of 3.3 sq. miles. It is located in the northern part of Africa, while 65 percent of Africa is covered by Savanna.