an organum is a form of early polyphony based on an existing plainsong.
a polyphony is the style of simultaneously combining a number of parts, each forming an individual melody and harmonizing with each other.
a gregorian chant is church music sung as a single vocal line in free rhythm and a restricted scale (plainsong), in a style developed for the medieval Latin liturgy.
Cyberbullying, Fear of missing out, its addicting , and self image issues
The best thing to use is a transceiver
Explanation: A transceiver is a popular device used to find avalanche victims. It can receive communications and send off them.
The correct answer should be: "[...] only human language utilizes complex system of speech".
Although animals such as dolphins and great apes communicate, which is a form of language, only humans are capable of producing speech through the use of words and a complex set of phrases and sentences. Animals do not speak, even though they communicate differently, only people are able to use language in this way, only humans use a complex system of language data inside out their minds while using oral or written speech.
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