this is due to the fact america was so hesitant to enter the war as their economy was already in a hole with the Great depression
The fall of the Roman Empire rests upon the attacks of Germanic barbarian tribes. Germanic groups such as the Visigoths, Vandals, Ostrogoths, and Franks, took turns destroying the Western Roman Empire. The Germanic Tribes eventually divided Roman holding provinces areas to settle down and formed kingdoms. In 476 C.E., Odoacer became King of Italy and the first barbarian to rule. Various Germanic tribes migrated into other regions. Many Germanic tribes merged, including the Angles with the Saxons in England, Clovis established the Frankish kingdom with established Catholicism in western Europe and Theodoric, Ostrogoths king, established Ravenna as capital.
The correct answer is: high courts and trial courts
Appellate Courts are the mid-step for a case. It would start with a local trial court, head to an Appellate Court, and then be heard by the High Court of a State.
Religious and Political Conquest
As with most any civilization, Islamic civilization was significantly spread through military power. Strong armies, as well as a strong Muslim belief in spreading the faith, led to the conquering of many surrounding areas and lands.