Caravel:The Caravel was a ship that had many uses. These ships were from small to medium. They could be used as cargo ships, warships, patrol or dispatch boats and also pirate ships. They were mainly used for fishing. The Caravel was from 50 to 200 tons. These ships were cheap and you could get them in shape for working very easily. They were known for their speed and maneuverability. So these ships were used by explorers to explore.
Galleon:This ship came was developed/came in use during the 16th century. The Galleon was developed from ships such as the Caravel and Carrack. These ships were known for their ability to change during different circumstances. So if you had a Galleon and you were in times of peace you could use it to do trading, fishing, etc. If you were in times of war you could convert it and make it a war ship. These ships had more ribs and bracings which helped them withstand gunfire. So these ships were good because they were fast and could easily convert/change as per the circumstances.
Yes I think it is right :D
There is a legend about that , Buddha was from a rich family that teach him that the world was all good and the bad do not exist. He lived 29 years of his live thinking that life was only good until he found the truth , he found that people die and have diseases ,in other words , he found that people suffer.
He was having so much information to process, so that is why he left his aristocratic and materialistic home and think about the suffer and how the world really is. He runs away from his house in the search of ilumination.
s The buddhism is similar, in a nutshell, a Buddhist want to defeat the suffer with the ilumination ( that is like a total spiritual awake) or by nirvana (reincarnation). Also in buddhism is taught that virtues and moral help in the search of a non-suffering existence.
The buddhist don´t believe in any god , they just follow lessons that buddha taught after years of searching the spiritual illumination.But there are people that they admire named bodhisattva , that are people that go significantly inside the path of Buddha.
John Locke.
" the Declaration of Independence draws heavily on the ideas of Enlightenment thinkers such as John Locke. much of what Jefferson wrote in the Declaration comes directly from Locke's ideas about government."