Answer: It is the oldest living animal species that has more than one organ. It has no brain. It has no central nervous system. It has no spinal column or bones of any sort.
to calculate your net worth you have to add up all your assests and subtract your liabilities from the total. Assests include a house, car, savings, stocks, investments, property, etc. I give up sorry!!
1. Behavior Management. Getty/Banksphotos
2. Student Motivation
3. Getting-to-Know You Activities
4. Parent Teacher Communication
5. Brain Breaks
6. Cooperative Learning: The Jigsaw
7. The Multiple Intelligence Theory
(A) Who or what is the voice speaking to Alice?
Omg I feel you i was on Alice through the looking glass and i was so stuck nobody helped me but thats ok. Its crazy because i know your struggling because its so hard!
So Glad I Could Help!
: )
I belive the answer is B.