The war greatly changed the role of women in the American society before, during, and after the war. Before the war, women were manly house wives that stayed home and took care of the house. When the men left to go fight, the men left their jobs and there was no income for the house so the women had to go find jobs. This would of been very hard for that family's that had children. During the war, our army required more people to come and help fight and women were very available to come and help. They manly took over the baking and cooking duties but some were put into the Airforce and into the medical field. A lot were put into the industrial part of America to make weapons and supplies that would go into the war. After the war, America noticed that women are very valuable and useful and we started to allow them to do more stuff. But we still have some problems with woman's rights.
mark brainliest :)
As the diagram to the right suggests, the trappers' equipment included a rifle, sometimes a pistol, gun powder carried in a powder horn, and a bullet pouch. Trappers always carried a hunting knife, usually a famous "Green River" knife.
President Grover Cleveland was responsible.
Both the Cold war and the Korean war are fought on the same ideology and principle.
The Korean war was important to the both the countries - United States and the USSR to show their supremacy. The Korean war is quite similar to the Cold war. The Korean war was considered as an important development in the Cold war as it was for the first time both the super powers of the world fought a "proxy war" in a third country. The ideology behind the war of communism and democracy and the confrontations of the two countries were same in the two wars. The war was fought by the communist North Kora supported by the USSR and China and the Democrat South Korea supported by USA and UK.
America handled both the war equally with the help of other democrat countries. Americas policy was to always support and spread democracy around the world. The Korea war was a proxy war for the Cold war.