3 half live have passed.
After 1 half-life , 500 g of the parent isotope will remain. After 2 half-lives , 250 g of the parent isotope will remain. After 3 half-lives , 125 g of the parent isotope will remain.
solar system
The Solar System is the gravitationally bound system of the Sun and the objects that orbit it, either directly or indirectly.
Hamatsa is the name of a Kwakwaka'wakw secret society. The secret society is set in British Colombia, Canada. At the centre of the Winter Ceremonies is a dance we rank among the highest: the Hamat'sa (Cannibal Dance). The dance comes from the spirit of Baxbakwalanuksiwe’ (The Man Eater from the North End of the World).
It is D 110,000,000 or 110 million