They come to appreciate the writer's craft as they consider the feelings, ... Describe characters based on speech, action, and interactions with others; Make ... Articulate an opinion and support it with evidence; Skim for facts, and take notes ... of their choice from a selection of award-winning works by renowned authors
1. D. To encourage Amaru to march on Cuzco immediately.
2. C. Attack the enemy
3. C. He is showing an unconcern for the matter at hand.
4. C. She was uncomfortable leading soldiers into battle
1) Starr Carter told the reported that Khalil never cussed or made threats on One-Fifteen's life, 2) that Khalil never said "i'm gonna sho' your a**", and 3) he never had a gun, it was just a hairbrush.
and succchhh a good book and movie. just sayin' :)
i think it might be C, correct me if i'm wrong
It is clear that a(n)=2^(1-2^(-n)). In fact, for n=1 this produces 2^(1-1/2)=sqrt(2)=a1 and if it is true for a(n) then a(n+1) = sqrt (2 * 2^(1-2^(-n))) = sqrt(2^(2-2^(-n))) = 2^(1-2^(-(n+1))) (a) clearly 2^(1-2^(-n))<2<3 so the sequence is bounded by 3. Also a(n+1)/a(n) = 2^(1-2^(-n-1) - 1+2^(-n)) = 2^(1/2^n - 1/2^(n+1)) = 2^(1/2^(n+1)) >1 so the sequence is monotonically increasing. As it is monotonically increasing and has an upper bound it means it has a limin when n-> oo (b) 1-1/2^n -> 1 as n->oo so 2^(1-2^(-n)) -> 2 as n->oo