The company WACC is 13.30%
For computing the WACC, first we have to find the weight-age of both debt and equity.
Since in the question, the weightage of debt and equity is given which is equals to
Debt = 30%
And, Equity or common stock = 70%
So, we can easily compute the WACC. The formula is shown below
= Weighted of debt × cost of debt × (1- tax rate) + Weighted of equity × cost of equity
= 0.30 × 0.10 × (1 - 0.30) + 0.70 × 0.16
= 0.021 + 0.112
= 13.30%
Hence, the company WACC is 13.30%
1. Direct
2. Indirect
I think this is correct.
F. None of The Above
Real property located in the United States exchanged for foreign real property (and vice versa) does not qualify as like-kind property.
I would need to see the following accounts inorder to fully help.