Log in is the feature that allows you to access your electronic account in a website, database or other, also a bank account. Your username and password are stored in cookies (files that websites use and are stored in your browser) for the session. This is true if we talk about websites.
When you're done, you log out from your account, you disconnect. Cookies are cleared (for websites) and you're out.
A costumers credit card information is stolen and used by someone else.
MIN returns the least value of a given set of numbers or range of cells
In MS-excel there are many inbuilt functions are available. Each function is used to either select cell or series of cells or return the value to specific value.
ROUND :- These is inbuilt function which returns round value for selected cell or selected range cell.
=Round(5.6) returns 6.
COUNT: - These are inbuilt function gives count of selected range of cell.
=COUNT (a1-A10)
NOW: - In excel it is inbuilt function it returns date and time of the system
MIN :- In Excel it is inbuilt function give minimum value for selected range of cell . (Least value from range cells)