Distrust is a huge barrier in social relationships. Distrust often stems from a "me first" minset that leads to conflict. There is no "I" in team. When. trust is lacking we spend to much time. and energy resisting the other person. Selfies and attention seeking social media outlets has given life to lack of communication and distrust. A large population of individuals male and female would rather be desired by many except valued by one. I believe social media has destroyed many social relationships because a lot of people have more options than ever before. We live in a society of "more" and keeping up with the Joneses that we lack contentment in our social relationships sometimes.
The carbohydrate-insulin hypothesis states that when we consume processed meals, which raise insulin levels, calories are subsequently stored in fat cells.
Carbohydrate-insulin hypothesis:
- According to the carbohydrate-insulin hypothesis, weight gain occurs when a person consumes an excessive quantity of processed carbs, which raises insulin levels and leads the body to store fat.
- Although fat is necessary for your body to operate, having more fat than you need might have negative effects on your health. It has long been believed that consuming more than the body needs for energy results in obesity, which is characterized by an abnormal amount of body fat.
- The "calories in, calories out" idea of weight growth, according to some scientists, is an oversimplification and that obesity is likely the result of a much more complicated process.
- Consuming processed meals increases insulin secretion while decreasing glucagon secretion. As a result, the body may store more fat, which can slow the metabolism and make people feel more hungry.
Learn more about insulin here:
To find your heart rate, there are a lot of ways to do it but <u>neck and wrist </u>are the top two i'd say.
Neck: Take two fingers and place them in the more hollow part of your neck by your "adam's apple" (or larynx) in the middle (place them on any side but it might be easier on the <u>right</u>).
Wrist: To find your wrist pulse, you take two fingers again and put them on the same side of your wrist as your thumb, by the bone in the middle. If you don't know what I'm talking about there is a bone right in the middle of you arm (starts at the wrist pretty much) and to the same side of your wrist as your thumb, if you place your two fingers there you will find a pulse!
{The equation to find maximum heart rate is to take your age and subtract it from 220.}
<u>BUT,</u> to find the regular heart beat at that second all you have to do is count how many beats you have in 15 seconds and multiply that number of beats by 4 to know your beats per minute.
I hope this helped you and makes sense!