The value of the option to wait today = $2,500,000
a) Data and Calculations:
Quantity of gold left in the mine = 100,000 ounces
Quantity of gold to be produced yearly = 10,000 ounces
Estimated life of mine = 10 years (100,000/10,000)
After-tax cash flow if mine is opened today = $1,300 per ounce
After-tax cash flow if mine is opened a year later:
Expected value = ($1,550 * 70%) + ($1,200 * 30%) = $1,325 per ounce
Comparison of the values of opening options:
Mine opened Mine opened
today a year later
After-tax cash flow per ounce $1,300 $1,325
Quantity of gold in the mine 100,000 100,000
Total after-tax cash flows $130,000,000 $132,500,000
Cost of opening mine 30,000,000 30,000,000
Required return (15%) 4,500,000 4,500,000
Actual returns from mine $100,000,000 $102,500,000
Therefore, the value of option to wait:
Returns from mine opened next year = $102,500,000
Returns from mine opened today = 100,000,000
Value of the option to wait today = $2,500,000