they brought horses, it made it easier to catch up to the buffalo instead of throwing weapons
He signed the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and sent Army troops to enforce federal court orders which integrated schools in Little Rock, Arkansas. His largest program was the Interstate Highway System. He promoted the establishment of strong science education via the National Defense Education Act.
It looks like the item that you posted has missing information but I'd like to answer this statement. Civil disobedience is a non-violent, public refusal to obey allegedly unjust laws. Examples of civil disobedience are Salt March, Extramadura Campaign, Flying pickets and sit-ins, dismantling unwanted enterprises, and poll tax non-payment.
B. correlation of example relationship
1. The correct answer is A. Forced sterilization. According to Julian Huxley, if there was a mentally defective indivilual, the principal goal of eugenics in this case was to make sure that this indivilual will not produce children, chich meant sterilization of the unit.
2. The correct answer is A. The Kennedy family. The whole Kennedy family dedicated themselves to helping people, and children in particular, with disabilities. To be more precise, the Kennedy family did their best to help and support disabled people in the fields of art and sport.