Answer: 1. The process established by online collaborative activity which empowers learners to take on the responsibility for their learning processes.
The legalization of some controlled subtances has always been a contreversial issue. Nevertheless, despite of its controversy, it has several arguments that can be expressed in favor of it. First of all, in some cases related to depression and anxiety, controlled substances can be a way in which people can obtain willingness to live, and also, it can help to improve the mood and self-esteem they have. Moreover, when some factors do not allow people to easily get reasons to stay alive, these type of substances can be helpful to increase people's happiness, to avoid bad thinkings and to remove some negative feelings such as; fear, pity and even regret. Therefore, their quality of living can also get higher, if they try some substances, under control.
Gandhi came from a poor family, and he had dropped out of the cheapest college he could afford. Mavji Dave Joshiji, a Brahmin priest and family friend, advised Gandhi and his family that he should consider law studies in London.