Northerners and Southerners easily accepted the terms of the Compromise of 1850 and put their suspicions to rest once they had been passed.
The Mayflower Compact
The Mayflower Compact was the first document for self-government in the New World
They agreed Missouri could be a slave state while, Maine was admitted to be a free state.
The cotton gin, because it separated cotton seeds from rock out in which was safer, and more efficient.
The Water loom/ water frame was a large spinning machine that was powered by water to produce cotton yarn suitable for warp.
The power loom it wove thread automatically, which was quicker and really helpful.
Direct democracy is a government in which everyone individual has an input on governmental decisions. However, due to America’s large population, it is hard to gather everyone in an area to make those decisions. That is why, in the US, we have a representative democracy—Representatives from each state represent their states decision in making decisions.