The Glorious Revolution and the English Bill of Rights are of great relevance to government in the United States since they inspired the Founding Fathers to devise a "limited government," of checks and balances--since they wanted to ensure that the rights of the people would be protected against tyranny.
Lupercalia and Saturnalia were two major holidays in Rome. Lupercalia was a holiday that was filled with animal sacrifice and random coupling in hopes of warding off evil spirits and fertility. Saturnalia was quite the opposite, a holiday for gambling, singing, dancing, feasting, and giving gifts. It was a bit like Christmas, in a way.
Off the top of my head:
The US devised the Manhattan project during ww2 and afterwards to develop nuclear weapons. The kept this secret from USSR even though they were allied. This contributed to Stalin’s paranoia and increased tensions between the two countries.
You also mention how Truman used this ‘atomic-monopoly’ to give him confidence and make him think that he could dictate decisions during the Potsdam conference and other meetings which heightened tensions with USSR.
Nuclear weapons also played a large role during the Cuban Missile Crisis, the point where nuclear war was at it’s closest to becoming reality and destroying the world.
By that point the USSR had also developed atomic bombs. The fact both superpowers had nuclear weapons meant they had to be sensitive in the way they handled each other and you could link this with Cuba and argue that it was the only reason the Cold War didn’t turn into full-scale, physical war.
There’s other things you could say beyond these points as well.
* entertainment for themselves (theater). This was all due to the earlier innovations like building this with mathema
* Many buildings were made as well as many other architectural things (banks, churches, etc); Mathematics was also a huge part of the golden age as they started to develop these skills with their leader and with their theatre building/plays. They used mathematics for their projects and to explore nature.
* Now that they had these innovations people grew in their religion because they now had churches, were growing in their knowledge and also creating more enteritis, exploring nature, and examining art. Each of these were a key factor because art game them design, mathematics gave them the ability to build, and nature gave them a place to map out or place their structure.
<span>Chose an American delegation that failed to include
enough Republicans and Senators; refused to
compromise with Lodge</span>