Oh come on, don't make others write an entire essay for you.
I'll give you some ideas though!
Think of a world where supercomputers have blackmailed humanity by threatening nuclear war if there's no obedience
Think of a world where robots are so developed, the police/FBI/CIA use them to spy on each and every person
Think of a world where technology is so developed, we've trashed the environment and everything is dystopian and disgusting.
Best of luck!
The Loyalty Oath..........
Where there any choices? This is true for a lot of countries: Basically all European countries with the exception of those that never fell to the Nazis :UK, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Portugal.
Radiation exposure, increased cancer rates, etc
There are actually two New Deals: the first one launched in 1933. The second, and most aggressive and famous one, launched in 1935