Answer: Microwaves and X-rays have different wavelengths and frequencies. Microwaves fall between infrared radiation and above radar radiation. X-rays fall above ultraviolet radiation and below gamma ray radiation. Visible light falls between infrared and through ultraviolet.
1 - D- Transport oxygen-rich blood to the body
2- D- Common Beetle
3- D- Protects the brain from injury
4- D- Attach Bones to muscles and bones to bones.
Meselson and Stahl conducted an experiment to determine the correct proposed methods of DNA replication was semi-conservative
. the three proposed models for DNA replication are semi-conservative, conservative, and dispersive.</h2>
In Semi-conservative replication model, the two strands of DNA uncoil from each other. It perform with the original strand and a new strand.
In Conservative replication model, DNA replication didn't open at all, but the parent strands remains undamaged by creating a new and separate molecule that consists of two new strands.
In Dispersive replication model, DNA replication results in two DNA molecules that consists of both parental and daughter DNA.
He demonstrated that semi-conservative DNA replication is an universal mechanism allocated by all organisms on Earth.
Guppies would become more colorful.