Himalaya Mountains.
form a mountain range in Asia separating the plains of the Indian subcontinent from the Tibetan Plateau. The length is 2,400 km (1,500 ml)
<u>c. Laboratory experiments have a high degree of control and may create an artificial atmosphere.</u>
A limitation of laboratory experiments is that the environment in which the experiments take place, is very much calculated and controled. This means that it is artificial, and this wll affect the generalization of the findings considering a not cotroling environment such as a real environment.
Uhm I wouldnt text him but that's just me
Microeconomics can be defined as a branch of economics where the behavior of individuals and small impacting organizations are studied, where each of these decisions are allocated of limited resources. Microeconomics looks at these behaviors and investigates how it affects the supply and demand of the goods and how this affects the pricing. Macroeconomics studies the total economic activity regarding growth, inflation and unemployment and can deal with national economic policies.