The main difference between socialism and capitalism is that socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization while capitalism is a political and economic system that involves a country's trade and industry.
He reduced regulations on businesses
The way President Reagan addressed the "crisis" was buy introducing a policy that was dubbed "Reaganomics" and was called "free market economics" by President Reagan himself.
This economic policy included reduction of the growth of government spending, reduction in income tax, reduction of government regulation on businesses, and the tightening of money to reduce inflation.
Lacks random assignment
the researcher may not Be able to establish valid causal relationships as the study lacks random assignment in that participants do not get equal opportunity of being assigned to groups. Random assignment means the researcher applies chance in assigning participants to groups such that the study is not biased and causal relationships are not affected. For example if a participant does not get to choose his group, the researcher randomly flips a coin to assign him to a group and so there is an uncorrupted result in findings
Because like a puzzle, culture is comprised of many pieces like food, music, language, traditions and habits. Clothing is just one of the pieces of the puzzle that is Culture. Also, like a puzzle, you can't fully understand the full picture of culture with only one piece.