Option B.
They were pleased because Americans had won their independence without having to abolish slavery on a national level, is the right answer.
The American Revolutionary War began in the year 1775 and came to an end in 1783. It was due to this war that the Thirteen Colonies in America got their independence from Great Britain, thus it is also called the American Revolutionary War.
Saint-Domingue was a colony of France on the Caribbean archipelago of Hispaniola in the years between 1659 to 1804. Since the economy of this colony was based on cash crop agriculture, the white elites in Saint Domingue felt satisfied because Americans had gained their independence without abolishing slavery on a federal level. They were happy due to the fact that they could carry on their work of plantation with the help of slaves.
Well, I can't see the answer choices. But, if I were doing this in short answer, I'd pick a second hand account of a story.
The theory of multiple intelligences was first proposed by Howard Gardner in 1983 on his book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. In this book, he broke intelligence down into eight categories. The modalities are:
1) Musical-rhythmic and harmonic
2) Visual-Spatial
3) verbal (linguistic)
4) logical mathematial
5) Kinesthetics
6) interpersonal
7) intrapersonal
8) naturalistic
9) existential
Not to mention in a recent interview Gardner is considering adding on the modality of teaching pedagogical as the last modality.
Poor family relationships also make teens more likely to attract and affiliate with deviant peers and take on their negative behaviors. Family and parent relationships: Family heavily influences teens behavior and often shapes the environment adolescents grow up in.