There is a quote that accurately portrays the mood when Helen discovers her husbands fate:
"Scout," said Dill, "She just fell down in the dirt. Just fell down in the dirt, like a giant with a big foot just came along and stepped on her. Just ump-" Dills fat foot hit the ground. "Like you'd step on an ant."
Helen was very upset about Toms death.
As a writer and reader I disagree with this. Perhaps if you are writing for a scientific journal or business report, long blocks of text can seem like you have a lot of info. Generally speaking, especially in fiction and non fiction i think unbroken pages of text will best case scenario bore a reader, worst case scenraio burden and overwhelm them with a lot of info so the feel daunted about continuing.
D, a thesaurus. Thesauruses are used for finding synonyms for words. I hope this helps!
A. the time, place, and conditions in which a story occurs
The purpose of setting in literature is to act as an exposition.
When we read a scary story, and the character starts to describe the circumstances of his physical surroundings, he is describing his setting.
Example: It was <u>midnight</u> when I pulled into the driveway of my <u>house</u>. The <u>lamposts along my street</u> blinked eerily as I made my way to the front door. Something didn't feel right.
Choice B describes mood.
Choice C describes plot.
Choice D describes characterization.